111 Wakefield Street, Te Aro, Wellington
Walk-through the Michael Fowler Centre
Bus stop
Wakefield Street at Michael Fowler Centre
The closest car park building is on Lombard Street
Find out more about where you can park
Access information
Wheelchair accessibility
All public areas are accessible and a lift is located inside the main entrance.
Accessible seating
Eight wheelchair spaces located in row M of the stalls.
Accessible toilets
Located on the ground floor.
Accessible parking
Two mobility parking spaces outside Wellington City Council building on Wakefield St. See Wellington City Council's website for more mobility parking information.
Hearing loops
Fitted in front rows of the Gallery (rows A–D). Please advise at time of booking.
If you require a specific seat, please contact Ticketmaster’s Accessible Seating Line on 09 970 9711 and a customer service representative will assist you with your booking. If you rely on other access requirements to ensure your enjoyment of the show, please contact the New Zealand Festival of the Arts Ticketing Team on (04) 473 0149 or

About the Michael Fowler Centre
The Michael Fowler Centre auditorium is one of New Zealand's premier concert halls. Its unique interior design reflects sound evenly throughout the auditorium, creating the clear acoustics for which it is internationally renowned.